Hi, I’m Eva Andrini the 17-year-old curly girl who, between one school test and another, publishes short video-cookig-tutorial on Instagram and Tik-Tok
I was born on January 1st 2004 and I am now attending the fourth year of the “Liceo Classico” (It’s like Junior Year in the US. My highschool is called “classic” because we study ancient greek and latin) di Ravenna, a small town on the east cost of Italy.
In my free time I love cooking, playing volleyball and singing.
However, I am not a pastry chef, I am not a cook, I have not studied cooking or pastry: I cook for passion or simply because it makes me happy, because it is a form of distraction for me when I am sad, but above all, because it allows me to create something that make people happy in an easy way.
What I try to share with you every day is not the kitchen itself, but the SERENITY it transmits. Basically I think that cooking for someone you love or to improve a bad day is the best simple way to be happy.
I always try to offer all type of recipes, for every need, because, although I love to prepare traditional Italian dishes (high in fat and sugar) I like to experiment with new recipes for those who are celiac, intolerant, diabetic or simply on a diet.
Click on “Recipes” to view them